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- April 4, 2023
Citizens’ Climate volunteers join United Nations Water Conference
By Joe Robertson on April 4, 2023Read moreOn behalf of the Colombian Platform for Children and Youth, we committed to the Agenda for Water Action with four workshops focused on Colombian children and youth on water and climate action. This exercise aims to build a statement for the National Development Plan.
0 - April 2, 2023
Laser Talk: How to Defuse the Antarctic Climate Bomb
By Cathy Orlando on April 2, 2023Read moreNEW Antarctic overturning circulation could potential collapse this century. This will devastate the marine biodiversity around Antarctica. The good news, this is avoidable.
- April 1, 2023
CCL France Communiqué de presse: Les citoyens canadien reçoivent l’argent issu de leur taxe carbone nationale
By Cathy Orlando on April 1, 2023Read moreCe vendredi, les citoyens canadien reçoivent l’argent issu de leur taxe carbone nationale. Demandons pareil en France !
- March 23, 2023
CCI’s Bretton Woods Action Team
By Cathy Orlando on March 23, 2023Read moreTrillions of dollars of private sector money could be leveraged at the World Bank Group towards a thriving and equitable planet. It is our right and responsibility as citizens all over the world to help with this transformation. It is our money.