Citizens’ Climate International (CCI) is a US-based tax-deductible 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to empower citizen volunteers to exercise personal and political power in the shaping of effective climate policy. CCI is a sister organization of Citizens’ Climate Education and Citizens’ Climate Lobby. We work to build political will for a livable world, by empowering citizen volunteers to have breakthroughs in the exercise of their personal and political power. We serve this mission through three primary areas of work: We believe everyone’s chances of success, including governments and industry, are enhanced when the design of our world is shaped by the needs and aspirations of all people. Our empowerment and advocacy efforts are built on these principles: Our core programs are oriented toward empowering people to build a world that works for everyone, free from climate disruption and with sustainable prosperity open to all. CCI advocates for carbon pricing policies that drive rapid decarbonization, while creating local economic benefits and ensuring development is clean, sustainable, and inclusive. Resilience Intel is a collaborative climate-smart finance initiative, emerging from high-level diplomatic roundtables, and aimed at connecting science insights to finance, to build multi-system resilience.Our Mission
Our Programs
Carbon Pricing Program
Resilience Intelligence Program
Our Mission
Citizens' Climate International > Our Mission