What’s New

  • Dr. James Hansen calls on PM Boris Johnson to Lead on Climate

    By on February 15, 2021

    Dr. Hansen calls on PM Boris Johnson to be “a hero, a leader” to secure a livable climate for young and future generations.

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    Citizens' Climate International
  • LASER TALK: Largest Global Survey on Climate

    By on February 8, 2021

    The data was collected between October and December 2020 and, despite the coronavirus pandemic, 59% of the people saying there is a climate emergency also said the world should “do everything necessary and urgently” in response. The People’s Climate Vote included 1.22 million people over 14 years of age in  50 countries and 17 languages.

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    Citizens' Climate International
  • CCL Africa: Undaunted Climate Activism in the Midst of a Global Pandemic

    By on January 20, 2021

    At the height of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate advocates around the world were reeling backwards from the shift to online activism. Just beforehand, CCL volunteers across Africa took a bold step forward: lobbying their governments to join the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC).

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    Citizens' Climate International
  • Building from the Ground-Up in a Global Pandemic: Introducing CCL Japan and India

    By on January 15, 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the lives of over 1.4 million people in the last year. It has ravaged public health systems, tanked the global economy, and left countless individuals without key resources and aid. Despite all of this devastation, the pandemic has opened up unique opportunities for civic engagement and driven thousands of people to act on pressing societal issues in ways they never have before. This is especially true for Japan and India, where CCL volunteers have built up a critical mass to inspire action on climate.

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    Citizens' Climate International