Action for Climate Empowerment is a necessary and functional part of any nation’s effort to implement the Convention and the Paris Agreement. By acting assertively and inclusively on all 6 elements of ACE, fostering locally rooted active public participation in climate-related decision-making, and ensuring the flow of sound scientific information, public authorities can ensure climate policy aligns better with human need and local capability and aspiration, and major climate-related investments line up with the most effective locally rooted sustainable development and climate resilience measures.
Citizens’ Climate International sees three big questions on the horizon for ACE activities at the local, national, and international levels:
- How can governments improve the quality of their own climate policy planning and implementation, by sharing information openly, listening to communities, and fostering participatory process?
- In what ways do ACE activities help to build capacity for climate action, at the local, national, and international levels?
- What are the ACE-related science translation (activation of science insights) benefits—both from downscaling global climate science to local experience and from feeding stakeholders’ insights into scientific and political venues?
We will explore ACE as a means of capacity building in three pre-COP workshops:
- Thursday, October 7 — Raising Ambition
- Thursday, October 14 — Capacity Building
- Thursday, October 21 — Science Activation
Thursday, Oct 7 — Raising Ambition
Action for Climate Empowerment is a means of activating the climate action potential of a society. Policy processes naturally carry a tension between official mandates and inclusive consideration of needs, rights, and capabilities. By providing stakeholders, communities, and decision-makers, with sound science, an atmosphere of generalized awareness of the climate challenge, and with participatory policy design solutions, ACE can ensure national policies and mandates are grounded in local context, with respect for human-scale needs, rights, and capabilities. This is crucial for ensuring policies become practice, and secure the support and investment required to be sustainable and effective over time.
This dialogue will examine specific strategies for making this policy-design benefit a reality, so national policies can be more actionable, more effective, and more widely valued and supported.
To attend, please register for the meeting here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
If you would like to contribute ideas, questions, or priority areas of concern in advance, please send an email to ace@citizensclimateintl.org