GDPR Rights

The following applies to European Union and EEA residents and is being provided to you, per the GDPR, Article 13.2, due to the fact that we (the Data Controllers) are gathering information from you.

European Union and EEA resident have the right to:

  1. “Request from the controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability;” (GDPR, Chapter 3, Article 13.2.b)
  2. “Withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;”  “where the processing is based on point (a) of Article 6(1) or point (a) of Article 9(2)…” (GDPR, Chapter 3, Article 13.2.c)
  3. “Lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;” (GDPR, Chapter 3, Article 13.2.d)

For requests to access, delete or correct your personal data, please contact:

Ricky Bradley
Vice President Operations
Citizens’ Climate Education

You can locate your rights in full by reviewing GDPR, Chapter 3, Article 13.1 and GDPR, Chapter 3, Article 13.2.

Giving Consent to Citizens’ Climate Education and Citizens’ Climate International

When joining Citizens’ Climate International, residents of the EU and EEA are required to give Citizens’ Climate Education and Citizens’ Climate International explicit consent to collect and process the data collected in the forms.

Explicit consent means:

  • You understand that Citizens’ Climate International (CCI) and Citizens’ Climate Education (CCE) will collect and store the data provided in this form in order to support its connection and engagement with supporters and volunteers.
  • You understand that the data will be hosted by CCI/CCE and shared with staff, volunteers and third-party service providers.
  • You understand the purpose of collecting this data and the nature of the services provided by CCI/CCE’ and it’s third-party providers include marketing, customer relationship and donation management, data storage, website analytics, and communication/customer contact services.
  • You understand that Citizens’ Climate International and Citizens’ Climate Education are based in the United States and that the European Commission does not consider United States laws to provide an adequate level of data protection. I understand that my consent is the lawful basis for transfer of my personal data to the United States and that I can withdraw my consent at any time. I also understand that the transfer of my personal data to the United States in the absence of adequate protection and without safeguards deemed appropriate by the European Commission may pose certain risks, including that United States law may not provide for data processing principles, data subject rights, or enforcement of those rights analogous to those in the European Union.
  • You understand that you can find more detail by reviewing CCI’s Privacy Policy.