Talanoa Dialogue: Redirecting Financial Flows

Talanoa Dialogue: Redirecting Financial Flows

In preparation for COP 28, on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, we hosted our third Global Talanoa Dialogues. This time we focused on redirecting financial flows. Fierce dialogues from Africa, Asia, North America, the Pacific, and both Western and Eastern Europe were shared.

In a series of short videos, our leaders from across the globe shared their passionate conversations about shifting money in a way that makes our planet prosperous and fair for everyone using the Talanoa Dialogue method. We are grateful for all that they taught us.

You are encouraged to watch the dialogues in their entirety. You will be transformed.

Video Summary: A Talanoa Dialogue For Women in All Their Diversity , Fall 2022

A Talanoa Dialogue with Women in All Their Diversity

In September 2022 we conducted our first Talanoa Dialogue from Women in All Their Diversity.

It was well-received and in fact, and our leaders from all over the world asked for us to do it again for everyone.

Watch the 3:30 minute video of women sharing their climate ambitions and solutions. Contributers included women from Kenya, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Panama and Sweden.


Video Summary: Talanoa Dialogue for Global Climate Ambition, Spring 2023

From March 15 to April 16 we collected video and audio submissions from climate leaders around the world for our 2023 Spring Talanoa Dialogues for Climate Ambition. On Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 8:00 am ET  broadcasted their videos in their entirely. Above is a synopsis of the powerful words of climate activists from  Ghana, Haiti, India, Nigeria, Panama, Romania, Uganda and the UK.

Global Talanoa Dialogue for Climate Ambition

The Process

Talanoa Dialogue

The Process

Citizens’ Climate International leaders around the world are asked to first submit and script, get it approved and then submit video and/or audiotapes that answer fiercely three questions in less than three minutes with regards to redirecting financial flows towards a thriving and equitable planet.
1. Where are we at?
2. What do we need to do?
3. How do we get there?

We will take audio and video submissions from October 15 to November 15.  Then just before COP 28 on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, we will broadcast the videos back to back in their entirety for everyone to deeply listen to.

Participants are welcomed and encouraged to speak in their mother tongue and provide us with a written translation in English. We will fill in the subtitles.

Send your scripts and thereafter your videos to projects@citizensclimateintl.org.


Special Check-In Calls Tuesday, Oct 24 & Nov 7

Do you have questions regarding our  Talanoa Dialogues for redirecting financial flows?
Do you need help getting started?

We have set-up two dates with office hours:

Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Time #1 = noon UTC / 8 am EDT
Time # 2 = 6 pm UTC / 2 pm EDT
Time # 3 = midnight UTC (Wednesday) / 8 pm EDT
https://citizensclimate.zoom.us/my/cclinternational passcode 123

(note clocks change in North America in between the two dates)

Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Time #1 =  1 pm  UTC  / 8 am EST
Time # 2 = 7 pm UTC / 2 pm EST
Time # 3 = 1 am UTC / 8 pm EST
https://citizensclimate.zoom.us/my/cclinternational passcode 123

Note the videos are due Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The day before the deadline are also our monthly CCI Global Check-in Calls
Time #1 =  1 pm  UTC  / 8 am EST
Time # 2 = 7 pm UTC / 2 pm EST
Time # 3 = 1 am UTC / 8 pm EST
https://citizensclimate.zoom.us/my/cclinternational passcode 123

Lastly, you have to register to watch the videos in their entirety on Tuesday, November 21 at 1 pm  UTC  / 8 am EST


Suggested Talanoa Topics

Who is “we”?
“We” is you and your “region”.

What is your “region”?
Your “region” which can be either your local community, your state/province, country, continent or trading block. 

Then with that in mind, in less than three minutes you answer the three questions:

  1. Where are “we” at?
    Introduce where you are from and then what is happening with regards to redirecting financial flows in your region
  2. What do “we” need to do?
    Focus in on your policy passion with regards to redirecting financial flows. There are numerous practical solutions: carbon pricing with rebates, measures at borders to address carbon emissions, funding for loss and damage, support for adapting to climate change, financing efforts to reduce emissions, changes to the Bretton Woods system, rules for financial organizations, forgiving debts, food financing, biodiversity financing, making polluters pay, lawsuits and many other options.
  3.  How do “we” get there?
    What are the steps to get there? Who are the key players? What are the key actions to get there? Lay it all on the table for the world to see. Show the world you know what needs to be done. You are leaders and we want the world to hear you roar.

A Safe Space

A Safe Space
Talanoa fosters stability and inclusiveness in dialogue, by creating a safe space that embraces mutual respect in decision-making platforms for a greater good. To facilitate the creation of this safe space, Talanoa dialogues are conducted under Chatham House Rules.  Anyone who comes to a meeting is free to use information from the discussion, but is not allowed to reveal who made any particular comment.



Background on Talanoa Dialogues

Talanoa is a traditional word used in Fiji and across the Pacific to reflect a process of inclusive, participatory and transparent dialogue. The purpose of Talanoa is to share stories, build empathy and to make wise decisions for the collective good. The process of Talanoa involves the sharing of ideas, skills and experience through storytelling. During the process, participants build trust and advance knowledge through empathy and understanding. Blaming others and making critical observations are inconsistent with building mutual trust and respect, and therefore inconsistent with the Talanoa concept.


What will be done with the dialogues?

What we will do with the Dialogues

What will we do with the dialogues:
We will create an online presence of the dialogues shared without divulging the identities of the participants who shared their stories and perspectives.

Excerpts shared with us will be highlighted on our social media channels, website, presentations and newsletters in the lead-up to the  COP 28 in Dubai.

An edited compilation of those dialogues will be created a posted on this website.

Most importantly, the fierce sharing by everyone in all the diversity will change the DNA of our organization for the greater good. We are our stories and our members are the source of power.